Archives: June, 2007

Ancient CuttlefishTech Intro

Friday, June 29th, 2007

I made this when I was in the 5th grade. That makes it 6+ years old.

This was the beginning of CuttlefishTech. Enjoy the soothing sounds!

Editor’s Note: Video was deleted by YouTube when my account was banned. I’ll re-upload eventually.


Monday, June 11th, 2007

Well! I’ve finally switched browsers! After getting fed up of Firefox and its memory leaks, slow load times, and seemingly random crashes, I’ve moved on. For a while, I thought about going to Opera, but I think Opera is bloated. If only there were another nice, non-IE browser. Well now there is!

Apple has just recently released Safari for Windows! You can download it at

It’s really slick. It’s got the typical Mac brushed metal UI, and the nice rounded buttons. Most webpages load much faster than in Firefox, especially AJAX heavy sites like Gmail or Google Reader. It’s an altogether much more pleasant browsing experience, and for the moment, I’m glad I’ve switched! The only thing I miss about Firefox is the amount of plugins it supports, but for now the faster speeds and cleaner look outweigh this negative.

(Posted from Safari!)

I’m not sure why I like this so much…

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

I’m not sure why I like this so much…

But I do

F1 Tipping

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Before each formula 1 race, I’ve been using the site to make my race predictions. So far, I’m not doing all that badly… You can look at my profile here:

In The Spirit of Econ

Monday, June 4th, 2007

I had completely forgotten about this video. It’s awesome.

Love Don’t Let Me Go Remix (Again!)

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

I finally got around to tweaking my remix of Love Don’t Let Me Go. The second (final?) version is below:

Download here! (6 megs, 5:17)

The original song and post are below!

I’ve created my first remix! It’s a mash-up of three songs:

  • Love Don’t Let Me Go – David Guetta
  • Walking Away – The Egg
  • Love Don’t Let Me Go (Walking Away) – David Guetta vs. The Egg

It’s kinda funny, but I made a mashup of a mashup! It’s not the best, there’s a couple rough transitions, and I’ll release a 2nd version this weekend.

Download here! (6 megs, 5:12)