Favorite Song

David Guetta’s Love Don’t Let Me Go has been my favorite song for over a year now. It’s a perfect blend of elctro and house! I discovered earlier today that my favorite version has a music video.

And since the music video is absolutely amazing, it just makes the song even more special for me!

Remember, I remixed this song a while back:

I finally got around to tweaking my remix of Love Don’t Let Me Go. The second (final?) version is below:

Download here! (6 megs, 5:17)

The original song and post are below!

I’ve created my first remix! It’s a mash-up of three songs:

  • Love Don’t Let Me Go – David Guetta
  • Walking Away – The Egg
  • Love Don’t Let Me Go (Walking Away) – David Guetta vs. The Egg

It’s kinda funny, but I made a mashup of a mashup! It’s not the best, there’s a couple rough transitions, and I’ll release a 2nd version this weekend.

Download here! (6 megs, 5:12)

Ugh, double quote action, oh well!

2 Responses to “Favorite Song”

  1. TeknoSushi ^_^ Says:

    This song sounds familiar XD

  2. Willie Says:

    Hey, that remix is really good.

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