Model United Nations!
Last weekend, I attended the Model United Nations conference in Eugene! MUN has always been so much fun. This year, I was the ambassador from Chile in General Assembly A. The General Assembly is the core part of MUN. While the GA passes some of their own resolutions, their main goal is to approve or deny the resolutions coming from all the other committees. As Chile, I didn’t have any real political power, but I made a point to speak whenever relevant.
I brought plastic sign holder and a cool Chile sign. Everyone else just had their lame paper placards, while I had a cool looking plexiglass sign that said “Republica de Chile” and the motto, “Por la Razon o la Fuerza.” I also had a plexiglass suggestion box that I relabeled “Messages for Chile” that the pages used to deliver messages to me. One of the most random things I brought was a confidential stamp. I made sure to stamp every single note I sent.

Here’s the message box after I converted it into a donation box. It was soon hijacked by China =(

This is the nametag I made for my delegation. I entered it in the Name Tag contest, but we didn’t win anything =(

Next year, I intend to be a committee chair. Preferably of 2nd committee or Disarmament. I can’t wait!
April 18th, 2007 at 6:08 pm
Hey dude, that’s so cool. I’d be honored to have you as a Committee Chair next year. Rock Hard on!